Legacy Dance Studio

Legacy Policies
Thank you for choosing Legacy Dance Studio. Dance class is educational and fun. An important part of class work is developing an attitude of discipline and respect for teachers and fellow students. We trust that following our studio etiquette will provide an environment where classes will be a pleasure for all. Please keep the following concerns in mind.
All payments are due on the first of each calendar month.
Dress Code
It's important for students to abide by the dress code policy for the following reasons:
A neat and tidy appearance sets an attitude of attentiveness and respect for students, teachers, and the art of dance. Teachers must be able to see the dancer's body outline clearly in order to make proper corrections on posture, alignment, etc.
For all classes, hair must be properly secured and tied up off of the face and neck for all styles of dance. Jewelry must not be loose or dangling. Gum Chewing is not allowed.
Withdrawal Policy
When a student will no longer attend dance classes, it is the parent’s responsibility to officially withdraw the student from the class by using a withdrawal form. Until a student is officially withdrawn, Legacy Dance Studio will consider them as an active student in our dance program. The parent will continue to be financially responsible for tuition and other charges up until the exact date that Legacy Dance Studio receives the withdrawal form.
Tardiness and Absenteeism
Absentees and tardiness can hold back the entire class. We ask that you give prior notification if your child will be late or absent. If your child is going to be absent for an extended period due to illness or injury, please notify the office immediately. If the injury requires withdrawal, complete a withdrawal form and turn it in prior to the next month.
Students will not be allowed to participate in class if they are more than 15 minutes late. The student will be asked to watch and take notes. This is for their safety. The first 15-20 minutes of class is warm-up. If dancers do not warm up and stretch sufficiently, they risk injuring themselves.
If a student is misbehaving and not adhering to the rules and regulations of the class, the child will receive a notification slip for you to sign and return to the instructor that issued it before the next class. If the child’s behavior does not improve, the student will be removed from the class with no refund of tuition.
As a parent, a positive attitude and constant support is necessary for my child to continue having privileges of participating at Legacy Dance Studio. If I choose to have a negative attitude or cause situations that compromise the positive learning atmosphere that we work hard to strive for, my child and I will be asked to leave without refund of fees.
To avoid distractions, parents are not permitted to enter ongoing classes or peek through the door. If you have a concern, please ask the Front Desk to provide a note for the teacher and he or she will speak with you after class. Observation is permitted from the waiting room windows or in-studio during Observation Week.
Inclement Weather
Classes will cancel when C.P.S.B. chooses to close schools due to inclement weather
Additional Policies
Please be prompt in dropping off and picking up your student
For their safety, all students under age 12 must be escorted into the studio before lessons and wait inside the studio to be picked up after lessons
Ensure your student is with an Instructor and in a lesson before leaving
No gum chewing in the studio at any time
No Food or Drink allowed in the studio (water ok)
Parents are responsible for monitoring all siblings not in lessons
Legacy Dance Studio and it’s staff are not liable for any damage to or losses of personal property or valuables
Any choreography learned by a student is the sole property of the Studio and may not be copied or used for any activity outside of the Studio’s scope. Permission must be granted by the Studio for any student to use Studio choreography at any venue where the member is not with the Studio or acting on behalf of the Studio
All imagery including, but not limited to, photographs and video recordings of a student is the sole property of the Studio and may be used at the discretion of the Studio for advertising/promotional purposes
NO person(s) allowed in the dance space without a Legacy instructor present
It is the responsibility of the parent to inform Legacy of any changes of enrollment – accounts will not be refunded if a dancer takes a month off and has not informed Legacy.
Legacy Dance Studios reserves the right to refuse service to anyone